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San Antonio, TX’s Trusted Family Dental Provider

We Deliver Healthy Teeth and Beautiful Smiles

Ferro Family Cosmetic Dentistry is a locally operated dental practice in San Antonio, TX offering comprehensive services for patients of all ages. Established in 1982, we’ve been providing general, restorative, and emergency dentistry to the community for decades and are proud of the reputation we’ve built as a trusted and compassionate provider of oral health services. Whether you’re visiting us for a routine cleaning, have a dental emergency requiring immediate care, or want to learn more about creating the perfect smile, you can count on our experienced and friendly team.

Our Dental Team Is Here for You

Joseph A. Ferro, DDS, is a lifelong resident of the area and established Ferro Family Cosmetic Dentistry here to give back to the community he loves. Since graduating from dental school, his career has been dedicated to building this private practice while incorporating the latest developments and advances in oral health to bring patients the best services possible. We have a highly trained team of Registered Dental Assistants, Registered Dental Hygienists, and a professional and courteous administrative staff here to assist you with everything you need when scheduling appointments and visiting us for care.

We Prioritize Patient Comfort and Care

Our goal is to ensure every patient feels welcomed and relaxed in our dentist’s office. We’ve worked particularly hard to create a warm and comfortable environment where everyone is treated like family. In addition to the friendly atmosphere, we offer services such as sedation dentistry to assist those who experience anxiety and stress over dental visits or are coming to us for more complex procedures. We will do our best to accommodate all patients to make their dental care more pleasant.

Patient Testimonials

Ferro Family Cosmetic Dentistry

Contact us to let us know how we can help with your dental needs, answer questions about insurance plans, or learn more about the patient experience.

941 Donaldson Ave
San Antonio, TX 78228


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

941 Donaldson Ave, San Antonio, TX 78228, USA